Monday, September 28, 2009

Let us know if you would like to start a NEW posting


This blog is set up to only allow posting threads to originate from pre-defined users. If you are registered on, (do you have a gmail account?), send us an e-mail and we can add you to the list so you can start a new thread. We're also happy to post on behalf of others if you don't want to hassle with the Blogger account. Just e-mail us your text and we can post it. Also, feel free to call if you want to gab.... (206) 783-7644

Rick & Linh-Co


  1. I find this news extremely alarming and disappointing. One of the reasons my family chose North Beach was it's small and caring community and their goals of achieving academic excellence. I feel like we were sold a Geo metro when we thought we were purchasing a BMW. Only thing is this is more important. How can anything be more so than our children's education and future successes? The question is what is the problem and how can we fix it? What has changed the last two years at the school? What has changed the morale and atmosphere at the school? If my children weren't invested in North Beach and willing to make it better again, then I would move my children to a school that really offered academic excellence and a sense of community.

  2. I think it is important to remember that this is just one measurement of student progress. The WASL does not capture the true intellegence of a child.
